Consuming soy could make you an aggressive loner, reveals surprising study by: Ethan Huff for Natural News
Research published in the journal Hormones and Behaviour reveals that soy consumption can lead to aggressive anti-social behavior.
For their study, experts in the field evaluated adult macaques fed soy products over the course of 15 months. The primates were separated into nine stable social groups, some receiving soy-free protein and others receiving soy-based protein.
One of the soy-based groups received soy protein isolate containing 0.94 milligrams of isoflavones per gram of protein, while another received soy protein isolate containing 1.88 milligrams of isoflavones per gram of protein.
The more soy and isoflavones a monkey consumed, the higher the frequency of intense aggression, submission, and “loner” behavior.
“In addition, the proportion of time spent by these monkeys in physical contact with other monkeys was reduced by 68%, time spent in proximity to other monkeys was reduced 50%, and time spent alone was increased 30%,” the study found.
The correlation between soy consumption and terrible health outcomes was so pronounced that the researchers declared long-term consumption of soy to be something of a threat.
Soybean oil consumption causes genetic damage
Related research on soybean oil found that it, too, damages the body and leads to behavioral changes, but in a different way. While soy isoflavones aromatize androgens and turn them into estrogen, soybean oil causes up- and down-regulation of genes throughout the body, including those related to the production of oxytocin.
Soybean oil is the most widely consumed oil in the United States, and almost all of it is genetically modified (GMO). It has been shown to cause serious genetic dysfunction in mammals, leading to weight gain and serious neurological problems.
During the 20th century, there has been a 100-fold increase in soybean oil consumption in America. It is found in nearly all processed foods, and most Americans consume gobs of it daily, likely without even knowing it.
This is one of the reasons why chronic disease rates are off the charts in this country. “Vegetable” oils in general are one of the worst things a person can eat, and yet they are founding in virtually everything.
Beyond that, soybean oil has been found to cause brain damage of the type that leads to dementia, Alzheimer’s disease and autism.
Avoiding soy-based products is something we have encouraged our readers to do for many years. Soy is arguably the biggest “health” food scam to ever be perpetrated on humans, and unfortunately it has become a mainstay of the American food supply.
Experiments on humans who consume lots of processed foods that contain soybean oil and other toxins have found that these highly refined additives cause depression, sleeplessness, loss of libido and structural brain changes similar to those observed in drug addicts.
In other words, junk food is truly a type of “drug” that is far worse than many of the things on the Drug Enforcement Agency’s (DEA) prohibition schedule. Amazingly, junk food drugs are also destroying the natural bond between humans due to the way they disrupt oxytocin, also known as the “love hormone.”
“I have linked Natural News to an FDA scientist letter saying soy and soy products should be banned for human consumption,” wrote one of our own commenters about how he is working to get soy banned from the American food supply.
“Soy and soy products never enter my body. I would rather starve to death than poison myself to death.”
Another warned that people should investigate their vitamin D supplements more closely to ensure that they are not made with soybean oil, as some of them apparently are.