Tweets 6/17/21
Below is a group of random tweets that showed up earlier today. Some funny, some tragic and others, well, you decide.
Today is a short list, still catching my breathe from the past 4 days of SBC meetings, lectures and worship.
Just remember, this was all President Trump’s fault, it was not a planned situation portrayed by crisis actors who dressed up like conservative, Trump supporters not showing their true colors of antifa and black lives matter terrorist.
What was CNN reporter Jade Sacker doing in the Capitol on January 6th with Antifa member John Sullivan?
What did she mean by “we did it”?
— Alex (@NotAlexSheppard) June 17, 2021
Here’s another view of the vaccines that most people are overlooking. Maybe want to rethink pushing this Trojan Horse, anti-Christ solution. Mark of the beast coming next? Vaccine passport?
— Anti Lockdown Alliance(GLOBAL) #GALA (@Demo2020cracy) June 17, 2021
Don’t forget who’s pushing all these lies, deception and accusations. Agents of the enemy have the biggest platform.
CNN and MSNBC are exactly the same: both liberal propaganda outlets that exist to lionize the Democratic Party and its leaders and undermine the GOP and the right.
That's not a crime. It's their right to do that. It's just good for that to be known, like for consumer clarity.
— Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) June 17, 2021