Christian Rock Band Faces Severe Backlash for Post on Jesus’ Love for LGBTQ Community

Christian Rock Band Faces Severe Backlash for Post on Jesus’ Love for LGBTQ Community by JOHN MATARAZZO for Charisma News

The month of June has become a yearly event when the LGBTQ community celebrates their pride in their lifestyles. The rainbow, God’s sign of His covenant to never again use a flood to destroy the earth, has now been appropriated as a symbol of pride in a lifestyle of sin.

On June 7, the Christian rock band Seventh Day Slumber shared an illustration on their Facebook page of Jesus embracing an LGBTQ person with a pink mohawk, the pride colors prominently displayed on the individual’s shaved scalp.

The caption reads, “This picture is a powerful reminder of who God is, how God loves, and how none of us are out of His reach! You can come to Him in your hurt, you can come to Him in your pain, you can come to Him in your sin, you can come to Him in your brokenness. He loves you where you’re at. He also loves you too much to leave you there. Be kind to one another. You never know what someone has been through.”

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(Facebook/ Seventh Day Slumber)

The post, written by lead singer Joseph Rojas, has been shared almost 3,000 times and has inspired more than 8,000 comments, both positive and negative. The picture has put the band in hot water with some venues that, in response to the post, have decided to cancel their upcoming concerts. Rojas communicated that he is available to talk with any pastor who has booked the band and would like to discuss more on the topic.

Rojas also remarked in a follow-up post that in the band’s more than 20 years of ministry, they have never advocated for a sinful lifestyle, imploring followers to, “Come to [Jesus] as flawed as you are, as broken as you are, as confused as you are. Come to Him with your questions and your anger. Just come.”

In a Facebook Live video on June 10, Rojas addressed his fans and encouraged them to not let the angry mob keep them from loving on people publicly, not to let the angry mob keep them from ministering to hurting people publicly.

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