What the Wedding at Cana Says About Jesus Our Bridegroom

What the Wedding at Cana Says About Jesus Our Bridegroom by PITTS EVANS for Charisma News

The Bible gives us many parables, teachings and stories set in the context of weddings to bring us a deeper revelation of our relationship with the Lord. The story of the Wedding at Cana is only contained in the Gospel of John, penned many years after the other gospels. The Holy Spirit moved on John to record this prophetic foreshadowing of the marriage supper of the Lamb with His church. It’s impossible to overemphasize the significance of God choosing a wedding for this public presentation of Jesus.

The actual miracle consisted of Jesus turning water into wine. Jesus, several of His future disciples and Mary were all gathered at a wedding. Mary approached Jesus and pled with Him to help the wedding party because they had run out of wine. Jesus then instructed the servants to get six large clay jars, fill them with water and take them to the person overseeing the celebration. When it was tasted, the water had become better wine than what had been previously served.

The water jars mentioned in this story were probably at the wedding to be used for purification of the plates and other dishes along with the religious washing of the hands of the guests and bridal party. Judaism later codified a highly developed system of ceremonial cleansing in the Talmud that was already in practice during this period. There are many examples in the New Testament of the religious leaders rebuking Jesus for failing to uphold the traditional Jewish purification rituals. Jesus took the six water pots that had been previously provided for religious washing and turned them into vessels filled with wine for a joyous wedding feast.

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There are no accidents in the Bible, and the Lord did not accidentally choose this wedding for the scene of His public introduction through supernatural intervention. A wedding is the perfect setting for the first miracle of Jesus. John tells us that no miracle had ever occurred in the life of Christ prior to this, in clear contradiction to the Quran and false gospels that claim otherwise. “This, the first of His signs” (John 2:11a). This first presentation of power in the context of a wedding prophetically revealed that Jesus’ eternal ministry purpose is related to His ultimate wedding with the church.

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