Real Men, Cell Towers, WiFi, And Schools — David’s Story: 5G EMF/RF Father’s Day

Real Men, Cell Towers, WiFi, And Schools — David’s Story: 5G EMF/RF Father’s Day By David M. with Patricia Burke  via Natural Blaze

I took great care to put my daughter in a private school, a school with an environmental philosophy that seemed in-line with my ideas, and was shocked when, returning after summer hiatus, found they’d allowed a giant cell tower onto the property.

It was 2008 when I fell into the radio frequency rabbit hole.  I’d never researched the effects of cell tower radiation so I asked the head of school how she concluded it was safe. She cited the World Health Organization and American Cancer Society assurances of safety. Unsatisfied with her response, I began my own research and came upon the work of Dr. Henry Lai and Dr. Martin Blank. I contacted both scientists and, while they were cautious about making firm statements at that time, they did note that available science was heavily weighted toward the studies establishing harm. Sadly, no other families were willing or able to object to what could be catastrophic for their children. I was left the lone voice trying to raise awareness and effect change.

It haunts me that I waited a year before removing my daughter from that environment only to enroll her in our local public school already flooded with wi-fi installations.

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I began the frustrating path of going to school board meetings and testifying about the perils of radiation exposure in the schools. I met with the chief of safety for PPS and flooded him with studies. I found others online and began connecting with the relatively small international community of advocates and scientists. I measured radiation levels of wi-fi and cell towers in schools. I was unsuccessful in my efforts to have them even listen to me.

The Lawsuit

After many failed attempts to meet with school board members I set up a website and filed a law suit against PPS (link shows complaint and witness declarations). The core of my legal argument was the right to a safe environment for my daughter’s education as guaranteed in the 14th Amendment of the Constitution.

I was introduced to an attorney who was also similarly alarmed and worked for expenses only. It took nearly a year to prepare our case. In that time, we had assembled as our witnesses, Magda Havas, Curtis Bennett, David Carpenter, Barrie Trower, Andrew Goldsworthy and Lloyd Morgan.  Obtaining the witness depositions was travel intensive and a lot of fun. We went to New York to meet with the experts in the western hemisphere.  From New York we went to London to meet with experts in the U.K.

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