One Gun For Survival – Which One Would It Be?

One Gun For Survival – Which One Would It Be? ByKen J for Modern Survival Blog

If you could only have one gun for survival in a time of SHTF, would it be this one?

Contributed by ‘Night Owl’
Reposted for your interest and further comment.

Ruger 10/22 (.22 long rifle), the one gun for survival.

More specifically a Ruger 10/22 with a folding stock, a decent scope and lots of 10 round factory magazines and 25 round Butler Creek or Ruger factory mags. Now, I am prepared for the crap-storm of criticism and dissension about this choice, but that’s inconsequential.

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[ Ken adds: Here’s one of the current Ruger Takedown models in .22 ]

Killing power

From everyone I have talked to, things I have read, I would MAYBE try to take a deer if it were a clear, close shot.

NOW LET ME REPEAT- THIS IS IN A SURVIVAL SITUATION! You and your family are hungry. There are no grocery stores open. Your little girl is crying because there is nothing for supper. I’M GONNA TAKE A SHOT AT A DEER or anything else edible to put meat on the table!

A good head or neck shot, preferably a “double tap” will have a decent chance of bringing down a deer if you don’t chase him. Just let it run a few yards, lie down and die in peace. Physiologically speaking, deer are about the same size as humans, and I don’t think anyone would doubt the .22 long rifle’s capability to kill a human being.

We can reasonably accept that all animals smaller than deer should be easier to kill. As their body weight and size diminishes- possums, badgers, raccoons, rabbits, squirrels, small birds, etc.

Old timers and country folk, who have actually hunted for their dinner at some point in their lives call the .22 rifle a “meat gun”. Meaning it’s the best at just that, putting meat on the table.

A .22 makes the least amount of noise so you have a lesser chance of scaring the critter (or his friends) off if you miss the first time.

A .22 does the least amount of damage to the meat that will soon be your dinner.

And a .22 is just right for dispatching domestic animals like pigs, goats and cattle.

Obviously shot placement becomes more important with a smaller caliber rifle. But when your supper depends on it you will fast become a more accurate shooter! With the small size, lesser weight and lesser expense of .22 ammo you will have opportunity to practice a lot.

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