It Doesn’t Take A Majority For Liberty To Prevail — Just A Tiny Minority That’s Armed With The Truth

It Doesn’t Take A Majority For Liberty To Prevail — Just A Tiny Minority That’s Armed With The Truth By Chris Rossini for Ron Paul Liberty Report

Man is free, which means he can choose to seek out that which is true and align his life with it; or he can resist that which is true and foolishly fight against it.

Since it is true that man is free, those who fight against it seek to wipe out the freedom of others. For those who choose this path, the ultimate goal is always the same: “to rule the world,” “to fix the world,” “to control the world,” “to dominate the world,” etc., etc.

Instead of fixating on the one thing that they actually have the power to do: to “rule” themselves, to “fix” themselves, to “control” themselves, they fixate their gaze outwards instead. It’s always “the world” that must be “remade.”

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In a world of 7+ billion one-of-a-kind and exquisitely unique individuals, the pinnacle goal that the “controllers” strive to achieve is “one world government” to rule them all, as if it’s possible (or even desirable) to create one set of man-made laws for every person on the planet. 

Of course, major and insurmountable obstacles stand in the way of this. Free individuals form their own communities, create their own traditions and customs, adopt shared beliefs, follow their own religions, and form their own political institutions.

Hence, when one group of people set out to dominate another group of people, the latter will defend themselves and risk their lives in doing so. War erupts to fight against and beat back the aggressors.

The root of war is always a false idea — the desire to dominate others. The only true power that we have is to dominate ourselves, not others.

And so, throughout history, we read of one empire after another, (i.e., one group of people who stretch out their domination over vast swaths of land) only to end up broke, bankrupt, overstretched, exhausted, and in chaos both economically and morally.

Those who strive for “one world government” seek to wipe out differences between people. They want to abolish traditions, customs and shared beliefs. They want to abolish religions. They want to abolish national borders and political institutions. They want to abolish logic and critical thinking; and want only steered emotional reactions and obedience.

And where is all of this ending up? The same place that it always ends up — bankruptcy, mass suffering; accompanied by economic and moral decay.

With Covid, we got an extremely bitter taste of what happens when there is one narrative that the whole planet is expected to follow. To begin with, everything that counters the one narrative is suppressed and censored.

Next, when the prescribed “solutions” are wrong, they’re wrong for everyone!

Lockdowns were wrong … and everyone went down with the ship (aside from the politically connected, of course).

Masks and social distancing? Wrong! … everyone goes down.

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