JESUS’S “ABOUT ME” SECTION Dane C. Ortlund for Core Christianity Gentle and Lowly “I am gentle . . .” The Greek word translated “gentle” in Matthew 11:29 occurs just three other times in the New Testament: in the first beatitude, that “the meek” will inherit the earth (Matt. 5:5); in the prophecy in Matthew 21:5 (quoting Zech. 9:9) that Jesus the king “is coming to you, humble, and mounted on a donkey”; and in Peter’s encouragement to wives to nurture more than anything else “the hidden person of the heart with the imperishable beauty of…


#NotMyPresidentBiden Completely Fails to Remember D-Day

#NotMyPresidentBiden Completely Fails to Remember D-Day By Nick Arama for Red State GNN Note – Has there ever been an occupant of the White House that has shown more contempt for the American people? Asking for a friend. /END Yesterday was the 77th anniversary of the D-Day invasion, one of the seminal events of the war, the storming the beaches of Normandy that led to turning the tide against the Nazis. But that major anniversary apparently flew right past Joe Biden. Biden didn’t tweet about it at all. Biden did…


Drink Alcohol? This Might Cut Your Risk of Alcohol-Related Early Death

Drink Alcohol? This Might Cut Your Risk of Alcohol-Related Early Death by Julie Fidler for Natural Society If you’re a drinker, carving out 2 to 2.5 hours a week to exercise may reduce your risk of dying early from alcohol-related cancer and other health problems. Not drinking would eliminate that risk, but let’s be realistic. Drinking can be Fun, but… Let’s face it; we live in an alcohol-rich society, and many of us like it that way. But that doesn’t mean we should ignore how it could affect our health. Alcohol consumption is linked to higher rates of early…


It’s Clear Now Anthony Fauci Isn’t A Fool, He’s A Villain

It’s Clear Now Anthony Fauci Isn’t A Fool, He’s A Villain By Georgi Boorman for The Federalist Lies upon lies, poetic injustice, arrogance, and an agenda that harmed millions of people. A novelist couldn’t have written him better. A trove of thousands of emails released as the result of a Freedom of Information Act request show that, since the beginning of COVID-19, Anthony Fauci has been just as mendacious as some of his worst critics have alleged. On Jan. 1, 2020, Fauci received a credible warning from a professor at…


‘Taking back the rainbow’: Freedom March declares move of God among ex-LGBT people

‘Taking back the rainbow’: Freedom March declares move of God among ex-LGBT people By Brandon Showalter, Christian Post Reporter Men and women who once lived and identified as part of the LGBT community are confident that a “rainbow revival” is at hand. Gathered under the blazing sun with temperatures in the mid-90s at the Sylvan Theater in the shadow of the Washington Monument, approximately 200 attended the Freedom March, an event for formerly LGBT-identifying people who share testimonies of how Jesus transformed their lives. The gathering was first held in the same location…


Christ Be Magnified (Video)

Christ Be Magnified Video by Cody Carnes Were creation suddenly articulate With a thousand tongues to lift one cry Then from north to south and east to west We’d hear Christ be magnified Were the whole earth echoing His eminence His name would burst from sea and sky From rivers to the mountain tops We’d hear Christ be magnified O Christ be magnified Let His praise arise Christ be magnified in me O Christ be magnified From the altar of my life Christ be magnified in me When every creature…



THE TRUTH DOESN’T CARE by Randolph Jason for Gospel News Network My wife ask me to tell my story, she ask me to write a book and after about a two hesitation I began several months ago. Not sure when, but the last day I worked on it was June 3, 2021. The goal is 52,000 words and I have just over 6,000 to date. This is not just some random number. It is a calculated guess at the number of words that make up the first 164 pages of…