Tweets 6/7/21

Tweets 6/7/21

Below is a group of random tweets that showed up earlier today. Some funny, some tragic and others, well, you decide.

Let’s start with something really positive, beautiful and focused on Jesus Christ…

[give_form id="52655"]

If you’re not using DuckDuckGo, StartPage or other alternative to gulag, well, shame on you.

Can you President Ron DeSantis and Vice President Kristi Noem (VP Trump)? Sure you can.

Another of DeSantis’ brilliant take-down of the evil empire.

Please do not abuse any more children.

I understand a lot of people don’t like tweeter because it can be a rather vile place displaying the worst of humanity. It can also be a place with amazing information you can not find in other locations. Alex Berensen’s info is a case-in-point

Jennifer Zeng is another voice on twitter worth your time…Her information helped me to clog my mind from the lies surrounding this scam.

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