Tweets 6/7/21
Below is a group of random tweets that showed up earlier today. Some funny, some tragic and others, well, you decide.
Let’s start with something really positive, beautiful and focused on Jesus Christ…
You were my Strength
when I was WeakYou were my Voice
when I couldnt SpeakYou were my Eyes
when I couldnt SeeYou saw the Best
there was in MeLifted me Up
when I couldnt ReachYou gave me Faith
cause You BelievedI'm everything I am
.— Love Like JESUS (@_LoveLike_JESUS) June 6, 2021
If you’re not using DuckDuckGo, StartPage or other alternative to gulag, well, shame on you.
Google is not even a search engine anymore. It’s a Democrat propaganda engine.
— Kyle Becker (@kylenabecker) June 6, 2021
Can you President Ron DeSantis and Vice President Kristi Noem (VP Trump)? Sure you can.
— Julia Hartley-Brewer (@JuliaHB1) June 6, 2021
Another of DeSantis’ brilliant take-down of the evil empire.
WATCH: Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis calls out academia, corporate media, Hollywood, and big tech for ties to the Chinese Communist Party:
"There is no single entity that exercises a more pervasive, nefarious influence across a wide range of American institutions than the CCP."
— Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) June 7, 2021
Please do not abuse any more children.
HART member Dr @TonyHinton2016 on @JeremyVineOn5 this morning, talking about the child vaccination trial in America: “So far there are a number of children that have got a condition called DVT, which is a clot in the leg. In two of those children clots then went to their lung.”
— HART (@hartgroup_org) June 7, 2021
I understand a lot of people don’t like tweeter because it can be a rather vile place displaying the worst of humanity. It can also be a place with amazing information you can not find in other locations. Alex Berensen’s info is a case-in-point
1/ Why #Covid vaccine fanatics are getting so desperate:
Fewer than 47% of the 204 million US adults between 18-65 are fully vaccinated.
Which means corporate vaccine quasi-mandates won't work – businesses can't turn away half their customers…
— Alex Berenson (@AlexBerenson) June 7, 2021
3/ If they'd gotten to (I'm guessing, but I bet they aren't – bet they have polling/focus group data on this) 75% of working-age adults they would have won.
They won't, though. And companies are already blinking. Nobody asks if you've been vaccinated when you walk in a store.
— Alex Berenson (@AlexBerenson) June 7, 2021
Jennifer Zeng is another voice on twitter worth your time…Her information helped me to clog my mind from the lies surrounding this scam.
Being honest with you, your articles were very important for me. It opened my eyes and I have said here in Brazil all of the time. If you wanna have the truth, read the articles of Jennifer Zeng. The truth is there. Once and again thank you.
— Andre Monteiro (@trader_Brazil) June 7, 2021