The Great Reset… Questioned by Randolph Jason for Gospel News Network
For those following along and know full well what the Wuhan bat-flu stew scamdemic is about, at the bottom of this thread is is a member of Parliament explaining the next steps. From all indications, he is spot on. We pray you have either fully awakened or are in the process of awakening to the nightmare unfolding before our eyes.
The time for pushback is long past, we need to begin uniting in Christ, dressed in the Full Armor of God and let the world know we are still here and we aren’t going anywhere – and no, you can not have our children and grandchildren. Remember, you and I don’t matter, to these sick, evil agents of the devil we don’t matter as much – they have our wealth so… – but what they don’t have are the children and they now they are coming after them in broad daylight.
Let’s start with a little food-for-thought…
— conspiracybot (@conspiracyb0t) June 6, 2021
— David Croom – (ツ) (@dailycallout) June 6, 2021
JUST IN – Virologist who told Dr. Fauci SARS-CoV-2 was ‘potentially engineered’ just deactivated his Twitter account after deleting 5,000 old tweets.
— 🚨 (@disclosetv) June 6, 2021
Everybody ready? How about a little truth-telling in Parliament and before the world. You probably didn’t see this on the evening news or hear about it on any of the state-run media like NPR, CNN, MSNBC, Fox or any of the other propaganda outlets.
WATCH! @thierrybaudet exposes The Great Reset in Netherlands Parliament. 👏🏻 Part 1
— FightFQrYQurFreedQm 🏴🇬🇧🇺🇸 (@wakethesheepnow) June 6, 2021
Part 2:
— FightFQrYQurFreedQm 🏴🇬🇧🇺🇸 (@wakethesheepnow) June 6, 2021
Part 3:
— FightFQrYQurFreedQm 🏴🇬🇧🇺🇸 (@wakethesheepnow) June 6, 2021
The great reset is all about control & will eventually be the framework set up to fulfill Revelation 13:13-18. “build back better” is a homage to 666 & is babylonian-new world order programming.
The good news is they will fail! They are fighting against ישוע! Revelation 17:13-14
— Follow YESHUA נְצָרִי את ישוע (@Alethios77) June 6, 2021
And finally…you’re not a member of cult if you question the jab. The people pushing it seem to be attempting to indoctrinate all those that have resumable questions about the fact you can not get material our of your system once it’s injected into your system. Why are they pushing so hard?