Save My Life (Video)

Save My Life Video by Sidewalk Prophets We’ve met half a dozen times I know your name I know you don’t know mine But I won’t hold that against you You come here every Friday night I take your order and try to be polite And hide what I’ve been going through If you looked me right in the eye Would you see the pain deep inside Would you take the time to Tell me what I need to hear Tell me that I’m not forgotten Show me there’s a…


Parable That Founded the Phrase ‘Good Samaritan’

Parable That Founded the Phrase ‘Good Samaritan’ by Myra Kahn Adams for Town Hall Thanks for joining our study. Today we explore the biblical basis for the common phrase “good Samaritan.” Most likely, you have heard the words used to describe someone who unexpectedly helps a stranger in their time of need. However, unless you are a Bible reader, you might not know that the phrase is based on a parable (teaching story) told by Jesus. Therefore, we will read the verses to garner an understanding of the context and…


The Great Reset… Questioned

The Great Reset… Questioned by Randolph Jason for Gospel News Network For those following along and know full well what the Wuhan bat-flu stew scamdemic is about, at the bottom of this thread is is a member of Parliament explaining the next steps. From all indications, he is spot on. We pray you have either fully awakened or are in the process of awakening to the nightmare unfolding before our eyes. The time for pushback is long past, we need to begin uniting in Christ, dressed in the Full Armor…