What if a Prophet is Wrong? Even a Broken Clock is Right Twice a Day.

What if a Prophet is Wrong? Even a Broken Clock is Right Twice a Day.

After many failed prophecies about former President Trump, many are left asking, “Can we hear the voice of God today via prophecy?” As a result, the Prophetic Standards was just released to clarify this issue. I also filmed a short video here about this important topic.

A “prophet,” as mentioned in the Bible, can be anyone in a position of spiritual authority or claiming to be. They are not to be elevated or idolized. We follow Christ, not men. False teachers aren’t ostentatiously dressed in red, armed with a pitchfork. They often look credible and talk convincingly; however, they bring destructive teachings into the church. They tend to avoid difficult truths such as sin, judgment, and repentance, and focus on what people want to hear, rather than what they need to hear. False teachers provide layers of truth mixed with error, but even a broken clock is right twice a day. 

Today, when the truth of God’s Word is spoken, people are often offended because they’ve been conditioned to hear “feel good” messages that do little in calling out sin. As a result, churches are filled with people whose lifestyles reflect little change. William Still said it well, “Many, who for the first time come under the sound of Holy Ghost preaching, are mortally offended … because they have never been exposed to the white light of the Spirit.” 

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The Fruit Judges the Tree

Wisdom requires that we examine what is being sought and taught … what is the focus? Repentance, holiness, obedience, and purity should be primary rather than boasting, blessings, abundance, and prosperity.

Jesus warns, “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves” (Matthew 7:15). There are false teachers within the church. We are encouraged to pray for wisdom and discernment. “Words from the Lord” cannot supersede the Bible, but rather, confirm it. “Prophecy involves not authoritative Bible teaching, and not speaking words of God which are equal to Scripture, but rather reporting something which God spontaneously brings to mind” (Wayne Grudem).

We hold religiously to the written Word because it is our guide … to test what is being said: “The spirits of the prophets are subject to the prophets” (1 Corinthians 14:32). The speaker should be careful since his words must be under, or subject to, God’s Word. If those who look to the Word are accused of quenching and grieving the Spirit, we are reminded that Jesus used the Word of God for finality, discernment, and power.

What if a Prophecy Fails?

Can a person have the gift of prophecy, yet still make a mistake, in which case a “contrite” apology is required? What are we to say to this? The prophecy fiasco during the 2020 election is one such example. However, I don’t think that we can make a blanket statement. For example, I know very godly people with the gift of prophecy. They’ve been so accurate that only God could have revealed the information they conveyed. But there have been a few times where these same people told me things that didn’t come to pass. So are they false prophets?

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