Food That Lasts Forever – Indefinite Shelf Life

Food That Lasts Forever – Indefinite Shelf Life ByKen J. for Modern Survival Blog

Which foods will last forever? Is there such a thing as an indefinite shelf life? Okay, maybe some of them won’t actually last ‘forever’, but maybe ‘almost’ forever!

When we’re talking about decades, that’s almost forever, right?

Here’s a starter list to get you thinking about some of the foods that last a LONG TIME, perhaps with a somewhat indefinite shelf life…

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TWINKIES (They’ve proven this, right?)
SPAM (!!!) (read about it here)
McDonald’s “hamburgers”
FRUITCAKE ‘bricks’ (great for re-gifting)
POP TARTS (everyone knows this, right?)

Okay, all joking aside (or not?), first you might want to read about so called “expiration” dates that you see on most food product packaging. It’s probably not what you think… (hint: foods don’t suddenly “expire”)


Here are some foods that you might say have somewhat of an indefinite shelf life. Add your own thoughts below…


White rice is a food that will last forever (almost indefinitely) with proper storage (sealed, airtight container in a cool dry place). Cooked white rice has about 200 calories per cup (nearly 700 raw).


Dried beans can last almost indefinitely if stored properly. That said, gradual moisture loss will eventually affect the taste and texture. Old beans will need longer soaking and cooking times (try adding salt toward the end of the recipe to avoid toughening up the skin). Use a pressure cooker to quickly cook those old beans (it works!). Pinto beans are packed with about 250 calories per cup boiled (almost 700 raw).


‘Wheat Berries’ if stored properly will last forever – many decades (or longer!). A flour mill will be needed to grind the wheat into flour (the best way for delicious fresh bread!). There are more than 600 calories in one cup of raw wheat berries.

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