Most Christians Are Frauds, Chilling Study Suggests. Here’s What You Can Do About It

Most Christians Are Frauds, Chilling Study Suggests. Here’s What You Can Do About It BY TYLER O’NEIL for PJ Media

Although a majority of American adults identify as Christian, only six percent of Americans actually live out a biblical worldview, according to a shocking new study. Partially in response to this finding, the Family Research Council (FRC) is launching the Center for Biblical Worldview, directed by David Closson, in order to encourage Christians to live out their faith authentically. The Center will feature the work of veteran public opinion researcher George Barna and theologian Owen Strachan.

“Dutch theologian Abraham Kuyper once remarked that there is not one square inch over which Jesus Christ does not cry, ‘Mine!’ Kuyper’s point is that the lordship of Jesus extends to all aspects of reality and our lives,” Closson told PJ Media on Wednesday. “Unfortunately, this crucial insight has been largely forgotten today, even by many in our churches where we have a diminished understanding of Christ’s lordship.”

“But Paul is clear about the scope of Christ’s lordship; it includes everything. Colossians 1:16 says, ‘For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him.’ This has implications how we think about our resources and material blessings,” Closson explained. “If all things exist and are sustained by Christ, they are His already.”

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“I’m afraid we have lost the biblical concept of stewardship, which teaches that everything we have is a gift from God and is to be used for His glory,” the director lamented.

In coordination with the launch of the Center for Biblical Worldview, FRC commissioned a survey of 1,000 American adults. The survey found that while 51 percent of adults claim to have a biblical worldview, only six percent of them actually answered worldview questions in a manner consistent with the Bible. Only nine percent of those who identified themselves as Christians answered the questions correctly.

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