Many Doctors, Nurses, and Pharmacists know what is going on with the PLANdemic/SCAMdemic. There are thousands of them that are taking a stand against the government and deep state and trying their best to awaken the public, but the majority of them are selling their souls to keep their licenses, keep their jobs, and keep their paychecks. They know the public is brainwashed, but they have the attitude BUYER BEWARE. They don’t even have a problem with parents killing their own children, as long as the DEMONrats don’t bother them. They don’t take the Covid jabs, they don’t give the jabs to their own children, but they keep silent and keep assisting others with their own SUICIDE.
GNN Note – We are not publishing the video due to the language used. The young lady makes valid, excellent points but she also uses an avalanche of foul language that shows a low IQ.
We are publishing this because we feel the phone call is worthy of to hear – it’s terrifying to know there is ZERO information about this vaccine. We can’t sue the manufacturers and we not be able to collect insurance if the vaccine kills us because the vaccines are not FDA approved!! So many reason to stay away from the jab. /END
Here’s the link if to the video – you have been warned.