Will Biden Hold the Line on China? (Videos)

Will Biden Hold the Line on China? Videos by Zooming on China

Part 1

Part 2

People on the left say we have to confront China because of the Uyghurs, the human rights violation and lack of freedom, and people on the right say we have to confront China because they hollowed out America’s industrial middle west. They engaged in dumping, outsourcing, all of that stuff. There is a consensus across the ideological line that Biden reflects where the difference is that the Republican or conservative administration believes in a tragic view of nature. They believe you know what? People will operate unless they are deterred. And deterrence is only possible when you are unpredictable and strong. Democratic administration and especially this one has a therapeutic view of human nature. They believe you adopt the summon on the mountain and turn the other cheek and that magnanimity will be reciprocated and gratitude rather than taken advantage of cynically. And that’s the difference.

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Where are those differences going to lead America? Will the Biden administration be able to hold the line on China? My interview with Victor Davis Hanson,
Senior Fellow in classics and military history at the Hoover Institution, and visiting professor at Hillsdale College.

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