Tweets – 5/27/21

Tweets – 5/27/21

Below is a group of random tweets that showed up earlier today. Some funny, some tragic and others, well, you decide.

First up…Government run health care

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Next…a beautiful Cathedral in Syria. It has been spared any bombing raids by Russia, the U.S., Turkey or anyone else dropping bombs on these poor souls.

More government run nonsense – this one is specific to California, you know, where all the sane people live.

I bet you were thinking with all this talk of Wuhan China virus that somehow governments wouldn’t actually turn against their own people, would they? Well, it turns out the U.S. government has conducted hundreds of experiments on the citizens without a peep of fore knowledge.

This is a personal favorite. These whiny brats, who’s parents should be arrested for child abuse, get a little push back from an Australian new anchor. It seems this gentleman is saying the quiet part out loud. We all need to show up at these temper tantrums, called child protest, with facts like the ones shared during this 1.5 minute rant. Enjoy.

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