“The Spikes and The Waste…” (Video)

“The Spikes and The Waste…”

It’s information like this that is keeping us away from the jab. No jab. We will take our chances with the flu – and take multiple supplements to keep the immune system strong and working properly.

We are NOT claiming this information is true or accurate, we are simply tossing it into the pile so we are all better informed. Keeping track through the fog of lies is a day-long process every day of the week.

The third video at the very bottom is short and this doctor says things that prompted us to put this together. The reports we are seeing, from around the world, are as shocking as the first reports when this whole thing first began, for us it was on January 24, 2020. The reports back then were terrifying and fooled us into believing this thing was a pandemic. We have since learned, along with most thinking people, there is not much to this virus unless you are in poor health, elderly and don’t take any supplements, like Vitamin D3, Vitamin C, zinc, magnesium and colloidal silver then you are at risk. Otherwise, if you do take these types of supplements your system can handle this very, very weak virus.

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You do you and let us do us. We are merely presenting information for your consideration. We will only take the jab if someone holds us down and forces us to take it – my body, my choice.

5 Doctors Agree that COVID-19 Injections are Bioweapons and Discuss What to do About It

4 of the 5 doctors follow up on their April video regarding the issue of transmission from those who have received the COVID-19 shots to those who have not.

If it starts in the brain and you don’t know it. You could be in for a very bad time.”

If it happens once, it will happen again.”

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