And a FAMINE Is Looming Over the United States

And a FAMINE Is Looming Over the United States by Robert Wheeler for The Organic Prepper

In an effort to raise awareness of the U.S.’s looming famine, I recently wrote, “Are You Ready For The EVERYTHING Shortage?” As hyperbolic as it might seem, that title is not an exaggeration. It’s the future we face if we don’t do something to change course. 

Also, over the past several months, I’ve written several articles to alarm activists and preppers alike regarding the coming shortage of necessities like food and water. And virtually everything else. 

Don’t say you weren’t warned about famine

In the article I mentioned above, I wrote about global shortages and coming shortages facing the worldwide economy. And my other articles warned of food, chip, fuel, and commodity shortages. I also wrote about inflation, crop failures, and scarcity of any goods consumers may need or want.

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I will save you my rehashing of that article, but another that I suggest you read is my article entitled “Next On The List of American Catastrophes? A Western Megadrought.” This article details a drought in the American West that is not coming but is already here. I drew the connection between this drought and the future effect of food shortages in America. Many might have ignored that warning.

A month later and the drought is still here, and so are its effects. 

Some farmers aren’t even bothering to plant.

In California, some areas are so dry that farmers are not even bothering to plant crops this season. Growers located north of San Francisco pulled out of local farmers’ markets and now produce-box programs. However, County Line Harvest, which farms around 30 acres in Petaluma, does not have enough water to grow the lettuces, peppers, and other produce that go into the subscription boxes. Many other farms nearby are saying the same thing.

California grows a third of the US’s vegetables and 2/3 of the nation’s fruits and nuts. Dry weather is now causing a significant hiccup in food prices and inflation that is already taking place across the US.

But California only has to hold on until the rainy season! 

That has already passed.

Only the rainy season was anything but rainy.

And, of course, there are the wildfires.

As the drought worsens in California, the state has already had more than 900 additional wildfires than it did at this point in 2020. Which itself was a record-breaking year that resulted in more than 4% of the state’s land burned. This year’s fires have burned about five times as much land as they did last year at this time.

California’s mountains and foothills will see above-normal wildfire activity from June to August and possibly even into the fall. Keep in mind, about 94% of California is experiencing drought conditions ranging from moderate to exceptional.

Don’t believe me? Pay attention to the trees

Another tell-tale sign is the fact that usually, drought-tolerant trees in both Arizona and California are dying. As Wildfire Today writes,

Junipers are dying in Arizona from a lack of water. The East Bay Times reports that drought is likely responsible for dead or dying acacia, eucalyptus, and Monterey pines in East Bay Regional Parks near San Francisco.

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