Speaking About The Kingdom…

Speaking About The Kingdom…

Where did Jesus Christ show up in your life? Do you believe that Jesus Christ showed up when you think He did? Why don’t you tell someone?

Nation in Greek is Ethnos. Ethnos is defined as a race, a people, a nation…first it is a race, a people…then a nation.

Let all the nations (races) be gathered together,
And let the people be assembled.
Who among them can declare this,
And show us former things?
Let them bring out their witnesses, that they may be justified;
Or let them hear and say, “It is truth.” ~Isiah 43:9 NKJB

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What has happened in your life when Jesus Christ showed up? Where were you, what were you doing and did it impact your life?

The first time Jesus Christ showed-up was in a Southern Baptist church about six blocks from home. Jesus called, the call was answered and to this day it is one of the most significant events of the past 59 years. This occurred at approximately age 5. You have just been told.

The house was filled with hatred, violence and maniac behavior. A drunken, violent Dad and a terrified Mom made for a place no one would want to be. The love, calm and beauty of God was necessary to continue living. The love and beauty sustained life for many, many years. It is Truth. It is not “my truth”, it is Truth and nothing else.

If these types of stories are discussed, openly, more people will come to Christ. If these stories are shared, freely, more people will understand that God is real, God is alive and God only wants us to see the beauty in every situation. God only wants us to be with Him, seek Jesus Christ first, then everything will be added to our life. Do you believe that in your heart of hearts?

God called, I answered and He showed me the beauty in this situation by sending a loving couple to surround me, care for me and take me home without judgement, without anything except care and concern. This is how God acts in our lives. Are you listening?

Either the Gospel is the divine Word of God teaching us how to live and how to be a reflection of Him, or it’s nothing more than a historical account of events.

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