for Giza Death StarGNN Note – If you’re not familiar with Dr. Skidmore, Economics Professor, listen to this interview – He was attempting to disapprove a claim by Catherine Austin-Fitts and found that not only was she right, she missed the mark by more than $12,000,000,000,000. He now operates an economic course dedicated to the study of federal government fraud and corruption at Michigan State University.
Click here to read some of the report from his initial interview with Greg Hunter, USA Watchdog (YouTube has removed the video) >>>
Well, Dr.Skidmore, who is familiar to readers here as the economics professor from Michigan State who verified the missing money claims of Catherine Austin Fitts, and who has been tracking missing federal money ever since, has now stated that the amounts of missing money are nearing the astronomical, according to this article spotted by S.D.:
According to Dr. Skidmore, between 2017-2019 the US Department of Defense is missing about $94 trillion dollars, that’s $94,000,000,000,000:
Now, even more unofficial and unaccounted for cash has been revealed from the DOD. It’s an eye popping $94 trillion from the years 2017 to 2019. So, add in the $30 trillion in official debt, and that means there is at least $145 trillion in overt and covert money floating around in the federal government, not counting Social Security and Medicare commitments. This story sounds like a fantasy or a cartoon, but it’s totally backed up with facts you will never hear on the legacy media. Dr. Skidmore, who is an expert in public budgets, explains, “In my mind, it does not follow the principles laid out in our Constitution in accounting for revenues coming in and expenditures going out. It’s fraudulent in my mind.”
Why, just think, if we added two more zeroes to that figure, we’d be at 14 and a half quadrillion dollars, which is the amount of bad derivatives sloshing around in the system according to some estimates. Think of that: $14,500,000,000,000,000. That’s more money than the entire gross domestic product of the planet by several multiples. Skidmore’s comment is as follows:
Skidmore says, “The risks are really kind of unknowable. The derivatives market is so enormous and so complexed (sic.), and who knows if some of the money that we are not able to account for in the government books is pushing into a quadrillion dollar derivatives market? We don’t know that. It could be. It would be small potatoes in quadrillions (in the derivative market). It’s incomprehensible. . . . My gut tells me this ends awfully with a very abrupt disruption of some sort that could include a transition to some sort of new financial system, and potentially a much more draconian system.”
In short, says Skidmore, “we are in la la land.”
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