An Emergency Dental Kit – You Will Be Glad You’ve Got One If You Need It!

An Emergency Dental Kit – You Will Be Glad You’ve Got One If You Need It! ByKen J. for Modern Survival Blog

Oh my oh my… I’ll bet most of you know how bad it can hurt! Do you have an emergency dental kit? You might want to think about it BEFORE you might need it..

Most of us at one time or another have experienced a dental emergency. And it’s something that’s hard to forget because of the associated discomfort and pain!

Dental pain can be caused by a variety of emergency conditions ranging from toothaches, a loose crown, a cracked tooth, or a broken or lost filling.

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Sudden dental pain can be very intense, and you will do ‘anything’ to stop it – if you could…

While many of us are prepared with emergency First Aid Kits, how many are prepared with a subset (dental emergency kit) that can deal with sudden dental pain?

When there is no dentist (on a trip, vacation, camping, hiking, boating, or post-SHTF), an emergency dental kit may be your best temporary relief alternative until a more permanent solution to the problem can be had.

A popular reference paperback book on the subject within the preparedness community:

Where There Is No Dentist
(view on amzn)

Toothache Relief Kit

First, lets deal with the tooth pain! I did a little research. Looks like this Red Cross Toothache kit is the most popular and well reviewed for pain.

Medication Drops
(view on amzn)

[ Read: 10 Home Remedies For Toothache Relief ]

For emergency pain relief from severe mouth injuries (smashed teeth, etc) mix equal portions of liquid Maalox and liquid Benadryl (they still make it for kids) slosh around mouth–the SPIT OUT, DO NOT SWALLOW.

Both ingredients are non prescription and this really works. It deadens the mouth.

One of the kids who grew up in our neighborhood with our kids, got his mouth smashed.

The Emergency Room gave him general pain medicine that did not work.

This equal liquid Maalox and liquid Benadryl mixture, sloshed around the mouth and spit out, worked for him until he saw a Dental surgeon. He was very happy. He said it made it where he didn’t feel anything.

(tip from a MSB reader)

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