The Globalist Papers Part II – Build Back Better by Liberty Nation Staff
A plan without a goal.
Editor’s Note: The Globalist Papers are a series of articles, thought experiments, and op-eds that examine what is behind the push for a globalist movement and why individual governments and corporations move in lockstep with each other. These reports are part of a growing movement of ideas on what it means to be a free, independent, sovereign nation.
The United States, the United Kingdom, New Zealand, Canada, in fact, just about every major Western nation is using a single term in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic: Build Back Better. Precisely what this means differs slightly from region to region, but at its heart, it signifies a move away from “capitalism.”
It is often linked with creating a more “equitable” society and thus ushers in the need to address “injustice” and “systemic racism.” It seems quite a coincidence that each nation chose this exact moment in history to start addressing these issues and all in the very same manner. Or does it?
Building Or Destroying?
In July 2020, the World Economic Forum released an article titled “Build Back Better” in which the writer argued:
“A true recovery from COVID-19 will not be about putting things back together the way they were: we need to ‘build back better,’ to ‘reset,’ if we are to address the deep systemic vulnerabilities the pandemic has exposed. For businesses, building back better is about much more than corporate social responsibility: it is about truly aligning markets with the natural, social and economic systems on which they depend. It is about building real resilience, driving equitable and sustainable growth, and reinventing capitalism itself.”
Yes, the whole plan is a wish list of progressive goals, non-sequiturs, and “power words” that no one outside of government was ever asked about.
Global Efforts
Build Back Better has been the rallying cry of world leaders. Echoing across national boundaries, this call to action has become the benchmark by which governments operate and expand. Did the powers-that-be decide as one that this “suggestion” from the World Economic Forum is the best possible plan for solving future issues? What were the other suggestions?
We have a Fourth Estate that refuses to recognize that President Joe Biden’s plan, and Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s plan, and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s plan are all the same thing. The media change agents tell us that our leaders have created an inspired ideal perfect for the nation and for the moment, when in reality it was long in coming and entirely unoriginal.
The World Economic Forum publishes numerous essays that it states are merely thought experiments or brainstorming sessions. In reality, they are the roadmap for the globalist project.