Bring on the ‘Asperger’s Republicans’ by Kurt Schlichter for Town Hall
Some liberal goof asserted that Ron DeSantis resided somewhere on the Asperger’s Spectrum in a recent tweet that I can’t dig up with just a cursory search, but said pinko tweeted that like it was a bad thing. It’s not. It’s a great thing, and we need more GOP pols with that condition’s political manifestation. People with Asperger’s tend to miss social cues and fail to respond as society expects, but many are also focused, driven, and generally amazing in their areas of interest. When you put those qualities together in a right-wing officeholder, that means you have a Conservative Terminator. Conservativing is what he does; it’s all he does.
So, bring on the Asperger’s Republicans.
Far too many Republicans, for far too long, have found themselves distracted and/or enslaved by the elite consensus, restrained by norms and conventions that the liberal elite demands we observe, but that it itself flaunts when those rules limit its options. These Fredocons care what people who care nothing about them think, and they find themselves responding to the outside stimuli of the garbage mainstream media instead of focusing intently on conservative change while disregarding the slings and arrows of the haters. When it comes to fighting the establishment, political Asperger’s is indicative of awesomeness.
And our next generation of Republicans needs to embrace their place on the Spectrum – the more inappropriate the liberal elite finds their reactions to its cues and signals, the better. No more tame, pliable sissies like Mitt (R-ish – Miracle Whip). No more of Nikki! Haley’s sucking up to the establishment while trying to grift the base by leveraging hack conserva-cliché’s from 2005 to present to us as hardcore instead of Jeb! in a dress. No more Kristi!s and Asa!s fronting as all tuff about men pretending to be girls to win races then folding the second the establishment disapproves. Instead, we need GOP politicians who are utterly immune to the siren song of a media and an establishment that seek to draw them in and crash them upon the rocks. Our pols need to ignore MSNBCNN and its hysterical horsehockey. They need to stop reading the NYT and WaPo and being scared that a bad write-up will get them uninvited to all the cool parties. They need to lock onto their target and take it out like an Israeli missile flattens a Hamas/AP frat house.
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