With All Respect, You Are Not Non-Binary, You Are Deeply Confused by Michael L. Brown for Ask Dr Brown
GNN Note – Thank you, Dr. Brown for saying this out loud for the world to hear. /END
I do not write this to be cruel or judgmental. And I certainly don’t want to hurt anyone. To the contrary, I want to help. But I do write with a sense of urgency, both to the nation and to confused individuals like Demi Lovato, the latest to identify as non-binary and want to be called “they.”
To the nation, I say this: Wake up! We are losing touch with reality and engaging in dangerous semantic and ideological games. Worse still, we are not providing the real help that struggling people need.
To Demi Lovato, I say this: You are not non-binary, existing outside the realm of male or female. You are a confused woman needing help from the inside out. That’s why I will not refer to you as “they.” And I truly say this in love.
Before we look at Lovato’s recent announcement, let me repeat what I have said many times before (here, quoting from a 2016 article), if perception is substituted for reality, there is no end to the social madness that follows.
You do not just have a man being named Woman of the Year.
You do not just have a white woman who identifies as black.
You have a father of 7 who identifies as a 6-year-old girl.
You have a man who identifies as a dog named “Boomer.”
You have a young lady who believes she is a cat trapped in a woman’s body.
You have a man who has his ears removed because he identifies as a parrot.
And you have a man who changed his identity to female but who has now had “her ears and nose REMOVED to transform into a ‘dragon lady’ with scales, a forked tongue and a horned skull.”
But why not? More power to him/her/it! If that’s what he/she/it perceives himself/herself/itself to be, why not?
To ask once more: why not? And how can there be any possible limit as to where this goes? There cannot.
America, wake up. We are descending rapidly into cultural madness.
That’s why the Urban Dictionary carries an entry on the term “transvaxxite,” defined as, “A person who identifies as having been vaccinated even though they haven’t actually been vaccinated.”
And the Dictionary provides this example of actual usage: “Although I was not born fully vaccinated, I identify as vaccinated. Or in other words I am a transvaxxite.”
But, to repeat my question yet again: Why not? Why is this perceived (or made-up) reality any less real than a biological male identifying as a woman or a white woman identifying as black? Where does one draw the line? And based on what?
When it comes to someone like Demi Lovato, we are not talking about a person who is intersex, suffering a serious biological or chromosomal abnormality, because of which that person cannot truly identify as male or female. Such individuals deserve great compassion and sensitivity, and every case will be different in terms of what brings them emotional and physical wholeness.
As for Lovato, in her own words, “this best represents the fluidity I feel in my gender expression. . . . I’m doing this for those out there that haven’t been able to share who they truly are with their loved ones.”
In other words, “I don’t feel like I’m really female, and I’m not male, so I’ll just identify as non-binary, in solidarity with others who share these feelings.”
Put another way (and using my words, not hers), “I am deeply confused.”