WHO’S MINDING THE MINT? By  for Giza Death Star

GNN Note – Gold is money and is an intricate part of the global monetary system – when the gold is out of balance, as it is currently, the global financial and monetary systems are out of balance, as they currently are. /END

Every now and then I receive a story that (1) comes from a source I do not know, (2) that is full of sensational details that make me question the whole narrative, and (3) which details nonetheless “connect” to other stories I do credit. That’s the case today with this story shared by A.F., and the story it connects to are those bearer bond stories, and my hypothesis of a hidden system of finance, based upon obfuscated bullion amounts, the physical transfer of bearer bonds, and just a whole lot of rehypothecation and other types of fraud and malfeasance, including “official counterfeiting”. Additionally, I believe in some fashion it is related to the “missing trillions” that Catherine Austin Fitts, Dr. Mark Scidmore, and others have talked about. In any case, when I get such stories, I simply have to blog about them, following my method of assuming the details to be true for the sake of the daily dose of high octane speculation.

In this case, there’s one detail in particular about this lengthy article that leapt right off the page that “connects” to another detail I’ve heard about before, in a work of “fact-tion” (alleged fact, disguised as fiction), but we’ll get back to that. Here’s the lengthy article:

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Now before we get to the peculiar detail that leapt off the page, I want to review a few of the other details advanced by the article that “connect” and make me willing to take its allegations seriously. The first concerns the alleged Philippine shipment of some 3,5oo tons of gold:

The Philippines is rocked again by another scandal involving the previous administration of Benigno Aquino III for having illegally shipped out 3,500 metric tons of 99.999% pure gold, with an estimated value of $141 billion, out of the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas’ vault.

Said amount of gold were used to back up the printing of $3 trillion USD paper currency, early last year. But for whose benefit?

Now this in and of itself dovetails with something I’ve mentioned in numerous blogs, talks at conferences (the San Mateo Secret Space Program conference in 2014, for example), and in my book Covert Wars and Breakaway Civilizations, and hinted at in Financial Vipers of Venice, and that detail is that the amounts of gold bullion in existence are badly obfuscated, and perhaps “off” of public estimations by as much as an order of magnitude. My reason for maintaining this view was the Sterling and Peggy Seagrave book titled Gold Warriors, which reviews the implications of the USA’s top secret recovery of Japanese gold bullion looted from Asia during World War Two under the effort codenamed Operation Golden Lily, and headed by a member of the Japanese Imperial household, Prince Chichibu. Much of this loot was buried in the Philippine archipelago, and was discovered by – here it comes – Major (later General) Ed Lansdale. (For those wondering who Lansdale was, he is strongly suspected of being involved in the periperhy of the JFK assassination, and was the “boss” of the Mr X of Oliver Stone’s film, JFK, who in real life was Col. Fletcher Prouty. Lansdale is strongly  suspected of having been in Dallas on the day of the assassination. The gold connection is indeed intriguing, given JFK’s dealings with Indonesia at the time, and the discovery prior to the world war of a rich gold mine in that country.) Anyway,  back to the Japanese gold story:  It was buried there by Japanese General Yamashita, later hung (many think unfairly) for war crimes. Admittedly, hanging the Japanese general responsible for burying the loot would be a good way to keep it a big secret.

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