Spreading The Gospel…
In church and among Christians we hear this phrase – “spread the Gospel”. What is spreading the Gospel? What does it actually mean?
“You search the Scriptures, for in them you think you have eternal life; and these are they which testify of Me. ~John 5:39 NKJB
If “…these are they which testify of Me.” are we not discussing Spreading the good news about Jesus Christ, the crucifixion and, especially, the resurrection? Are we not talking about the signs, miracles and wonders that not only happened more than 2,000 years ago, but the ones that are happening today, right now. because He lived and died for our sins?
Should we not dedicate ourselves to telling people about Jesus Christ and how He brings peace to our lives, puts joy in our hearts and delivers us from evil? This sounds like a good starting point to introducing people to Jesus. This sounds like what Jesus Himself states in John 5:39-40. Those two versus seem fairly clear.
What is our excuse for not spreading the Gospel? We are without.
Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me. “If you had known Me, you should* have known My Father also; and from now on you know Him and have seen Him.” John 14:6-7 NKJB
Having seen God in the flesh in Jesus Christ we now have the Gospel in the flesh. Is this not what we should be talking about, is this not what we should share with the world? There seems to be a beautiful mystery wrapped up in this aspect of our role as ambassadors to this world.
For the past 30 years it has been made known there are only three conversations that have any merit – God, life and art. If one of these three are not the topic of discussion the topic doesn’t hold much water.
Either the Gospel is the divine Word of God teaching us how to live and how to be a reflection of Him, or it’s nothing more than a historical account of events.