Why Spiritual Warfare Is Not for the Faint of Heart by MICHAEL LOMBARDO for Charisma News
GNN Note – If we don’t engage in the ongoing Spiritual Warfare that is engulfing our world, our children and, especially, our great-grandchildren are going to suffer in ways we can’t imagine. Time to suit-up. /END
Spiritual warfare is not a subject for the faint of heart. It gets messy when there is such a wide spectrum of differing viewpoints out there, but we must learn to navigate this topic accurately.
On one side of the equation, you have individuals and denominations who focus heavily on the demonic with close to no focus on Christ and His finished work. On the other hand, you have teachers and denominations that do their best to explain away the demonic and Satan as if spiritual warfare simply didn’t exist and is all in our minds. Both are toxic extremes that we must avoid, and we need to take a deep dive into the Scriptures to gain a proper and balanced understanding.
When anyone wants to grapple with this weighty subject, we must understand that as believers in Christ, we have been born again into a war. Demonic forces are real, and they do have assignments to steal, kill and destroy, as Jesus plainly stated in the gospels.
With that in mind, we must also grasp the reality that Jesus Christ conquered sin, death and the grave and made a public spectacle of Satan, triumphing over the powers of darkness, according to the epistles of Paul. Navigating this divine tension is the true challenge of New Covenant believers today.
And the good news is, God is releasing revelation to His bride, and the church is truly grabbing hold of the truth and learning to walk in the full counsel of God about spiritual warfare and many other pivotal revelations needed in this hour.