How I Disinfected My Home After Having Covid-19 by MISTY ANDERSON for Ready Nutrition
Covid-19 viscously descended upon my home in March, and all seven members of my household contracted it. It was an unseen enemy that kept spreading, and I felt defenseless at protecting my family from it. I was determined to eradicate that germ from my home so no one else would contract it. I armed myself and attacked with the following products and technologies.
Covid-19 viscously descended upon my home in March, and all seven members of my household contracted it. Read more about the ordeal here. It was an unseen enemy that kept spreading, and I felt defenseless at protecting my family from it. One by one we all became ill, and after my husband and I spent a week in the hospital, I was determined to eradicate that germ from my home so no one else would contract it. I armed myself and attacked with the following products and technologies.
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HEPA Filter
While I was still in the hospital, my brother-in-law changed out our HEPA filters and verified that they had a Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value (MERV) rating between 10 and 12. While Covid-19 mainly spreads through droplet transmission or direct contact, the virus can be airborne. Air filters help reduce airborne pollutants, including viruses, so this seemed like a great starting point.
I was immediately confronted with eight loads of laundry when I came home. In addition, my sister, who has become an avid Covid researcher, explained that I needed to wash my bedding every other day for two weeks, which added three more loads of laundry every other day. Laundry was the very first item that I focused my attention on because it required about the amount of energy I had to give. If I had a white load, it was washed with bleach. If I had lights or colors or towels, I added Lysol Laundry Sanitizer. While I handled laundry, I used gloves because Covid-19 is transmitted through droplets. The day after I returned home, two of my sons tested positive for Covid. Even at a month out, I am still following this routine – minus the gloves, and I don’t intend to change it.
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