Gender unicorns, BLM, rainbow flags: Jesuit university worships at the altar of ‘woke’ culture

Gender unicorns, BLM, rainbow flags: Jesuit university worships at the altar of ‘woke’ culture By Emily Mangiaracina for Life Site News

Saint Louis University frequently invokes its ‘Catholic’ identity. The school is anything but.

A student at Saint Louis University (SLU) is dismayed to find that his “Catholic” university openly celebrates gravely immoral sins and is beholden not to a Christian worldview but to secular “woke” culture.

“Saint Louis University’s Indoctrination runs deep,” said Michael*. “I came to SLU because they lured me with a promise. They told me that if I attended SLU I would not only grow academically, at a school with a strong reputation, but I would also grow in my faith. The Jesuit tradition is a holistic approach, one that aims to set the world on fire by crafting men and women for others for Greater Glory of God (AMDG).”

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“At least it used to be,” he continued. “Nowadays, Jesuits seem to care more about progressive politics and virtue-signaling than the message of Jesus Christ.”

SLU repeatedly invokes its “Catholic Jesuit identity” in its messaging, and claims on its website that it “ensures that the principles and traditions of Catholic, Jesuit higher education, and the mission and core values of SLU are integrated into “programs and practices” and the “formation of its students.”

However, glimpses of the textbook curriculum, as well as campus messaging, show that the university espouses an ideology that is radically antithetical to the Catholic faith. The examples of this are so numerous, said Michael, that it is virtually impossible to share them all.


An egregious and telling sign of the university’s secular — and not only anti-Catholic, but anti-Christian and anti-life underpinnings — is found in an answer to an online history quiz that Michael shared with LifeSiteNews, which says that the Christian Coalition has been “successful” in “denying reasonable access to abortion for women.”

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