It Was Never Gonna Be Just A Few Days…
People of all ages are beginning to seriously wake up. Harris / Biden coup may have been the best thing to happen to the U.S.. Young and old alike are sick of the never ending fight. The people with all the power are fighting the people with no power.
The elite, the powerful want us all dead. They have stolen our wealth, stolen our land, stolen our businesses, imprisoned us and are attempting to shackle the unchainable God, Jesus Christ.
It is past time to awaken. It is past time to spread the Gospel. It is past time to put on the Full Armor of God and use it.
Spiritual warfare is real. Listen to this, the latest young lady, to speak out, speak up and speak Truth to power – and more importantly, speak Truth to you. Listen with both ears and hear her mighty roar.
I don't know who she is or who wrote it but its Genius work and delivered seamlessly.
— conspiracyguy (@conspiracyguy8) May 11, 2021