The Big Lie Is That Cheney Is Still A Republican by Kurt Schlichter for Town Hall
Good riddance to Liz Cheney – Yo Lizzy, don’t go away mad, just go away rejected and humiliated back to the smoldering ruins of your failed dynasty. Her ejection is the minimum act of political hygiene necessary to demonstrate to the base that the Republican Party is no longer the cruise ship fleet of the past. I’d ship off Adam Kinzinger too, but his new pals the Democrats will take care of that simpering suck-up soon enough when they gerrymander his Illinois district into oblivion in 2022.
It seems ridiculous to have to say it, but you cannot have a senior leader of the Republican caucus who spends all her time trashing the GOP base as she shimmies and shakes for the delight of her media buddies. They’ll always make it rain with praise and applause for a self-hating con. The base has seen this before, and it is in no mood to be lectured about its perfidy by the likes of the Beltway Cowgirl, who never met a corporation she didn’t like or a war she didn’t expect your kids to fight for her.
The left and the media, which are the same, have been trying to help her by pretending that the issue is her courageous stand against the guy who hasn’t been president for a hundred days. It’s Cheney courageous, certainly – she runs the terrible risk of media acclaim and a cushy sinecure at CNN when her constituents toss her out in the primary.
Right now, she’s about as popular in the Cowboy State as the Lincoln Project Summer Camp for Boys and, except erotically, there’s no real difference between her and that band of skeevy pests. Cheney has accomplished something unusual though – she’s managed to become one of those Republicans the Dem/media human centipede loves while still in office. It took W a decade and a half, a bunch of paintings of soldiers his incompetence got maimed, and lots of backstabbing of those of us who defended him when he was too much of a gentleman to defend himself, to get there. She’s sufficiently damaging to our party that our enemies are coming to her defense. I bet it’s because they want the best for us.