The Biden Regime Is Carrying Out The Worst Attack On Our Democracy Since The Civil War

The Biden Regime Is Carrying Out The Worst Attack On Our Democracy Since The Civil War by Chris Menahan for Information Liberation

It’s his administration that’s carrying out the worst attack on our democracy since the Civil War.

Every lie we were told about the supposed “insurrection” has now been debunked.

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We now know that no cops were killed and not even one person was arrested for having a firearm in the Capitol building or on Capitol grounds.

The only people killed were five Trump supporters, including 14-year Air Force veteran Ashli Babbitt who was executed on video by Capitol police.

The damage to the Capitol building consisted of a few broken windows and a broken book shelf.

The real “attack on our democracy” has come in the wake of Jan 6th, with the Biden regime launching a new War on Terror against everyone who didn’t vote for him.

The Capitol protesters are being treated like terrorists with the FBI/Biden regime staging terroristic raids on their familiesstripping everyone involved of their rights, holding them in indefinite detention without a trial, subjecting them to vicious torture and racial abuse at the hands of DC corrections officers who told them they “hate all white people” and locking them in solitary confinement for 23 hours a day.

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