Prophetic Warning: It’s Time to Either Surrender or Succumb by JAMIE MORGAN for Charisma News
God always endeavors to prepare His peopleāif we are listening. He is sounding an alarm to wake up the body of Christ to the work of sifting, cleansing and purifying He wants to do to ready us for whatever is on the horizon. Recently, during a month-long sabbatical, the Lord gave me this prophetic word for the church.
Here is the prophetic warning:
This is the great falling away. Only the true church will remain. Then you will see an outpouring of My Spirit like the world has never seen.
This is a sifting, cleansing, purifying. Many won’t surrender. It’s either surrender or succumb.
Fear not only keeps My children away from the church, but it also keeps them away from Me. The church is the body of Christ. Those who succumb to fear won’t surrender. It’s either surrender or succumb.
Just as Saul persecuted Me when he was persecuting the church, when My people let fear stop them from gathering together with the body of Christ, their fear will eventually keep them away from Christ. It’s either surrender or succumb.
Do not be deceived. He or she who succumbs to fear will not surrender to the sifting, cleansing and purifying necessary to withstand what is on the horizon. It’s either surrender to me or succumb.