Key Faith Leaders Release, Endorse Prophetic Standards Statement

Key Faith Leaders Release, Endorse Prophetic Standards Statement by JEFF STRUSS for Charisma News

The often-misunderstood gift of prophecy is currently under great scrutiny. For that reason, Dr. Michael Brown and Bishop Dr. Joseph Mattera have united with other key faith leaders to address recent controversies via a Prophetic Standards Statement designed to increase accountability while continuing to encourage and support this gift.

In particular, Brown and Mattera sought to respond to the current discussion regarding the prophetic proclamations given concerning Donald Trump being reelected to a second term. They consulted with national and international leaders within the body of Christ to craft the statement on the biblical application of the gift of prophecy for the New Testament church.

Many more Christian leaders, including Charisma founder and CEO Stephen Strang, Bishop Dr. Dale Bronner, John Burton, Stacy Campbell, Wesley Campbell, Dr. Mark Chironna, Dr. Randy Clark, Ron Cantor, Mark Driscoll, Dr. Jim Garlow, James W. Goll, Lee Grady, Jeremiah Johnson, Dr. R.T. Kendall, Patricia King, Daniel Kolenda, Tom Lane, Dr. Sam Storms, Mark Rutland, Loren Sandford, Larry Tomczak, Kris Vallotton and others have endorsed the statement as well.

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“”The purpose of the statement, first and foremost, is not to quench the spirit of prophecy,” Mattera says, adding that “prophecy is perhaps the greatest gift to the whole church to build up the body, to encourage and to build faith. Our purpose is for the gift of prophecy to flourish. And we did our best to come up with that with the input from many national leaders, including some prophetic leaders, so that the general body of Christ could have a statement to give them discernment protocols and guidelines, so that they could operate in the gift without abuse.”

“We didn’t just get some prominent prophets to sign it, but people who represented all fivefold gifts,” Mattera says. “The gift of prophecy is given to the whole church. And so it behooves apostles, pastors and teachers especially to understand this and sign off on protocols.”

Read the entire statement below or at this link. To see the initial list of signers, which represent pastors, theologians, evangelists and other key leaders from different nations including the U.S., Australia, Canada, Israel and Nigeria, visit this link. Ministry leaders wishing to affirm the statement can add their names to the list of signatories at this link. For a full discussion of the heart and intent behind the Prophetic Standards Statement, listen to this episode of the Strang Report podcast at this link.

Prophetic Standards Statement

At a time when there are many questions in the Body concerning the gift of prophecy and the ministry of the prophet, and in light of the needs of local pastors as well as individual believers to have practical guidelines for processing prophetic words, as Pentecostal and Charismatic leaders, we felt that now was the opportune moment to produce this current document. It is not the purpose of this statement to condemn or accuse. Instead, our purpose is to help provide scriptural guidelines for the operation of the gift of prophecy and the functioning of the ministry of the prophet, while at the same time affirming the importance of these gifts and ministries.

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