Preparing For The Grand Solar Minimum
Will anyone recognize that a Grand Solar Minimum is apparently coming? And what are they (or you) going to do about it? How much of the food supply might be affected and how to prepare for it?
by Anony Mee
We engage in a preparedness lifestyle just in case misfortune befalls us. We often discuss what sorts of events those might be – loss of a job, medical emergencies, wars of various sorts, and how to prepare. Ken does a survey generally every year on what we’re all prepping for. It’s always interesting to see the results and comments on that article.
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This past month I’ve written two articles for American Thinker on the Modern Grand Solar Minimum and, in the process, have managed to scare myself. (The Coming Modern Grand Solar Minimum)
My grandparents and parents lived through the Great Depression and the Dust Bowl. Mom’s family were wheat farmers. Dad’s folks were just plain dirt poor. They all suffered. Contemplating several years of low harvests, on a global scale, with perhaps more years of lingering bad weather, is still hard for me to wrap my head around.
Grand Solar Minimum – Once-In-Every-400-Years Event
No matter what else might happen in our lives, our families, our neighborhoods, or our country, our world is facing predictable dark cold years, estimated to begin in 2028 and continue at least through 2032. The low point of a Grand Solar Minimum is a once-in-every-400-years event.
I’m convinced that all the “noise” from the pandemic – the stupid shutdowns, the shortages due to pandemic-related issues, etc. – has masked the beginning of the Grand Solar Minimum. 2019 and 2020 saw failed or limited harvests over much of the globe, mostly due to weather. We’ll see if this year is any better. Hope it will be, but the lack of sunspot activity is grim, and it’s early in the minimum cycle for it to be so low.