Unshackling From Shame to God’s Amazing Grace by Sean Dunn for Christian News Journal
She was so sweet. Soft spoken and kind, Wendy reached out to those who were new in our youth group, befriended those who were difficult, and set an example for others in many ways. In spite of all that, she almost allowed herself to be defined by a series of mistakes.
Due to some “wrong time, wrong place, with the wrong people” circumstances, she got suspended from school for a few days.
Although her emotions were tossing her around like a rag doll in a cage match, her mother did not offer what she needed in that moment — encouragement and hope. She tag-teamed with the enemy almost making her tap out when she said, “Wendy, I am so disappointed. Now God will never be able to use you because you are just like everyone else.”
Those words were the knockout blow as they played with Wendy’s own self-loathing and disgust to make her question her testimony, God’s love for her, and His ability to help her overcome.
Shame and Guilt
In my decades of ministry, I have learned that many struggle with the guilt and shame that come from poor choices and memorable mistakes. Some have crafted a lifestyle and reputation of messing up, while others have wandered into that territory momentarily, but the ramifications are always felt.
Until they have experienced God’s grace and forgiveness in a meaningful way, they are shackled by shame, they struggle to receive forgiveness and love, they reject joy, and wonder if even a loving God can love someone so unlovable.
These feelings become walls that keep good news and truth from affecting their hearts, and if you are going to help them embrace God’s love, God is going to have to break through. He just might use you to do that.
When dealing with people who are struggling as Wendy was, here are some tips that can help you begin to chip away at that self-made, but very real and powerful wall.