Bored with God—Complacency in the Midst of Chaos Shane Idleman
A friend recently remarked, “Why are prayer meetings dwindling?” Granted, remnant groups are still pursuing God, but overall, our spiritual decline amid today’s turmoil is disheartening. Sadly, very few realize that the Titanic has been struck. Most people haven’t been affected by America’s unstable foundation—at least not yet.
In a recent article, Dr. Michael Brown sheds much-needed light on the jackhammers that are pounding away at this foundation: “H.R. 1 would dramatically reshape our electoral system so as to cement Democratic rule for decades to come. H.R. 5 would effectively gut religious liberties across the nation … and packing the Supreme Court would fundamentally restructure our legal system for good.” He added that “attacks on the Second Amendment would further cripple American rights, and that Big Tech censorship would silence all resistance.”
What’s It Going to Take?
Will you have to lose your job, your retirement, your health, or your comfort before you finally wake up? From mass shootings and civil unrest to the promotion of perverted sexual sin and the indoctrination of children, we can all add to the list. So my question is: What’s it going to take to get us back on our knees? It seems that most Christians are bored with God. When everything is on the line, they still have no desire to seek Him.
God’s call is not to Washington or Hollywood. He isn’t asking agnostics and atheists to cry out to Him. He said that He would heal the land if His people would humble themselves, pray, seek, and turn from their wicked ways (2 Chronicles 7:14). Sadly, many are fearful but not repentant, anxious but not surrendered to God, worried but not worshipful, confused but not diligently seeking Him. Instead of repenting, we are repeating the same mistakes.
We should be hearing of prayer meetings throughout our cities, pastors being baptized in the power of God, and parishioners worshiping like never before. But instead, there is silence … dead silence. We must change course. God hears the prayers and pleas of His people. He desires to pour out His Spirit on a dry and thirsty land. Are you thirsty for more of God? Hunger for God leads to a spiritual awakening. Again, what’s it going to take?
That Which Cost Me Nothing
Imagine heading to lunch in a crowded mall. Just before leaving, you notice that your three-year-old has disappeared—panic sets in! You must find your child at any cost. Are you going to eat first? Not a chance. The passion to find your child is far greater than the desire to eat. That’s exactly what fasting is: The desire to seek God is greater than the desire to eat.