Franklin Graham calls on Americans to pray, because ‘God’s judgment is coming’

Franklin Graham calls on Americans to pray, because ‘God’s judgment is coming’ By Calvin Freiburger for Life Site News

‘Our country is in great trouble,’ the Evangelical leader said in reference to proposed Democrat court packing and other ‘frightening’ issues.

Evangelical leader Rev. Franklin Graham has a dire warning for the United States concerning God’s reaction to the policies currently being pursued by America’s ruling class.

“What’s happened politically in our country is a disgrace, what took place in the last election. It’s wrong, but it’s happened. But I just believe that the only hope for our nation is God,” Graham told conservative radio host Todd Starnes in an interview Thursday. “Christians need to get on their knees and pray that God would intervene and somehow save this nation or give us more time because I believe God’s judgment is coming.”

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Graham, who is also president of the Christian charity Samaritan’s Purse, touched on issues ranging from Democrat desires to “pack” the U.S. Supreme Court with additional left-wing justices, which he called “dangerous,” to the “frightening” challenge of American states and foreign governments that have resisted calls to lay down the emergency powers they assumed last year in the name of containing the COVID-19 pandemic.

“We just need to pray that God will intervene and stop them from doing this,” Graham said of Democrats and court-packing. “It just seems like the whole country is upside down right now. We just need to pray that not only will God bring his voice … but that people would listen to him and seek His face and call on Him because our country is in great trouble.”

Despite the severity of the situation, Graham offered cause to be optimistic about the final outcome, as well.

“We see the whole world, nation after nation, shut down, and it’s just frightening when you see what’s taking place, but at the same time, I’ve read the last pages of history,” he said. “I know what God is going to do and His Son is coming back and he’s going to establish his kingdom here on this earth.”

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