God Is Calling You to Come Out of Hiding and Seek His Promises by LOIS FLEWELLING for Charisma News
For years, I felt tucked away in a rural area, wondering why I was pouring my heart into this ministry which seemed to not have a large following as I had expected. Many would actually say to me, “I did not know you had this equipping and training ministry.” I wondered why, and I wondered what I was doing wrong. I could not understand why God had placed me into this assignment when the range of influence appeared small. Yet I never felt released to stop because there definitely was fruit.
I believe there are many who feel hidden and isolated. These people question the why of their assignment and wonder where the support is to complete the task at hand. We can have hidden seasons, and they often occur after going through an influential period, just as Elijah did.
Ever wonder what was taking place in the hidden times? Hidden time has the divine purpose of wooing us back to our first love. We cannot do ministry or live our lives without intimacy and really knowing our God. In the secret place, we find strength, so we don’t retreat and never complete our assignments. In the secret place, God may be preparing us for our next assignments, strengthening us through intimacy, so we develop a dependence on God for every need, empowering us with the necessary anointing or gifts the assignment requires.
Elijah, after a powerful battle encounter, went into hiding. He was standing in the place of injustice and was struggling with an amazing victory followed by horrific threats. Can you identify? I think many of us can. Yet Elijah rested, receive refreshment and was restored. He tucked his cloak under his belt and ran full force with incredible endurance.