Itching Ears and Falling Away by Randolph Jason for Gospel News Network
People are amazed at what has happened with John Piper’s son. They should not be. John Piper did not renounce one of The Gospel Coalition (TGC) members who stood up for a child rapist / serial pedophile. Click here to read all about it >>> John Piper is a Council Member of TGC – click here to confirm
For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers; and they will turn their ears away from the truth, and be turned aside to fables. But you be watchful in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry. ~II Timothy 4:3-5 NKJB
Until ALL members of The Gospel Coalition renounce the person supporting child rapist / serial pedophiles we will see more people associated with TGC fall away. There is only one way and supporting a these actions has consequences.
Ask Dr. Brown reported the following…
On a regular basis, we are hearing reports of high-profile Christian leaders renouncing their faith, most recently Dr. Paul Maxwell, an author, former Moody Bible Institute professor, and writer for Desiring God. Yet, for many of us, it was even more shocking to learn that Abraham Piper, son of the influential pastor John Piper, had become an internet sensation, best known for his videos mocking his former evangelical beliefs.
As reported by Ruth Graham for the New York Times, “Abraham Piper became a sensation on TikTok nearly overnight. He posted his first video in November, and he now has more than 900,000 followers, many of them young people who thank him for capturing their experiences so precisely. His unlikely path to online stardom: irreverent critiques of evangelical Christianity aimed at others who have left the faith.”
It turns out that Abraham had fallen away from the faith at the age of 19, so his non-belief is not news in itself. (Personally, I knew nothing of John Piper’s family, so all of this was new to me.) What is news is the popularity of his videos, recorded in an upbeat, conversational tone that no doubt appeals to today’s youth.
Once again, we should not be surprised at any of this. We recently learned of other unholy, unspeakable scenarios happening at Hillsong’s New York City and Los Angeles campus’.
The New York Post reported the following…
This house of God is run more like a corporation — or a sweatshop — than a place of worship.
So say former members of once-celebrity-beloved megachurch Hillsong, who continue to come forward with stories slamming the institution as more “slave labor” than sanctuary after the bombshell firing of adulterous pastor Carl Lentz.
“It’s like you work for a major company” — only worse, Nicole Herman, who helped found Hillsong LA in 2013, told The Post.
Let’s not forget that Carl Lentz stated live on national TV that abortion was acceptable. He later retracted this statement, but it was out of the bag and now in light of what has happened, it makes it person wonder if the redaction was sincere.
As reported by The Federalist…
Last Monday, around 1:20 p.m. EST, hundreds of babies were being surgically dismembered, decapitated, poisoned, and otherwise violently killed inside abortion clinics around the country. Simultaneously, Hillsong Church NYC mega-pastor Carl Lentz had a platform from which to speak in their defense while a guest on “The View.” He refused to do so. In fact, he took the opportunity to suggest that their deaths can in some cases be justified and that the people killing them should continue living according to their own convictions.
When host Joy Behar asked directly whether abortion is sinful, he responded, “That’s the kind of conversation we would have finding out your story, where you’re from, what you believe. I mean, God’s the judge,” at which point the audience broke into raucous applause. “People have to live to their own convictions,” Lentz continued. “That’s such a broad question, to me, I’m going higher. I want to sit with somebody and say, ‘What do you believe?’”
So, you think it’s strange or odd or out-of-the-ordinary the son of John Piper has come out in this manner? You shouldn’t be. It’s all right there in the Holy Bible. Look for more, not less, of this type of situation.