Court packing is on the table with Biden’s new SCOTUS commission

Court packing is on the table with Biden’s new SCOTUS commission By Cheryl Sullenger for Life Site News

A Court packed with leftist justices that are eager to change the meaning of the Constitution will be empowered to strike down every pro-life law, ban opposition to abortion, and enshrine the lethal practice forever as the untouchable ‘law’ of the land.

The Biden-Harris Administration has created a new Commission on the U.S. Supreme Court that is tasked with examining the “Court’s role in the Constitutional system,” including among other things, the length of terms that justices serve, and – most disturbingly – the membership and size of the Court.

During the 2020 Presidential Campaign, Joe Biden was repeatedly asked whether he planned to “pack the Court,” if elected.  Biden continually declined to answer that important question.  At one point, he even lashed out angrily after being asked if the public had the right to know about his position on Court-packing, responding, “No, they don’t.”

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“Now, we know the answer to what Biden thinks of Court-packing. Without a doubt, the Biden-Harris Administration is planning to pack the U.S. Supreme Court and has now empaneled a new commission to provide them with a basis for doing it,” said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman.  “This should greatly concern the American people because it will mean that liberals will forever control our U.S. Supreme Court.  That will alter the way our Constitution is interpreted and could dramatically affect hot topics such as immigration and the way our elections are conducted.  As for the matter of abortion, a liberal pro-abortion Supreme Court would make it impossible to end that barbaric practice through the legal system.  All this will completely change our nation – and not for the better.”

Should the Biden-Harris Administration pack the Supreme Court, it would mean adding several additional justices appointed by their own radically pro-abortion administration who would permanently shift the balance of the Court to the left and reverse the impact of President Trump’s three appointments to the High Court. With the Supreme Court under permanent control of the left, it will also negate the influence of President Trump’s over 300 judicial appointees to the Federal Courts.

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