The assault on ‘White America’

The assault on ‘White America’ By Hedieh Mirahmadi for Christian Post

Whether it is a Syrian Muslim gunning down “Trump supporters” in Colorado, the attack near the Capitol by a Nation of Islam supporter, the change in laws that protect police in New York, or the campaign against the state of Georgia, we must acknowledge the widespread assault on the conservative, Christian community. I use the phrase “White America,” though ironically we are comprised of all ethnicities and races but united in our stand for biblical and democratic values that are the foundation of our country. The radical left characterizes us as “angry white people” so they can garner support for the vilification of our principles as part of a broader scheme to undermine our way of life. It is critical that we do not look at each of these issues as separate unrelated events when each of them is a critical aspect of how insidious movements weaken traditional social structures.

For over two decades, I researched and published about how these nearly identical tactics are used by radical Islamists to transform the Middle East, South Asia, and to a lesser extent, even parts of Europe. For over 50 years, radical Islamists have used outright violence, political upheaval, and large public campaigns to dramatically alter relatively tolerant societies into oppressive countries that eliminate personal liberties and freedom to practice any religion other than radical Islam. Most prominently, we see the results of their efforts in countries like Iran, Pakistan, Turkey, and Egypt where Christians are either driven out completely or suffer tremendous persecution. In Europe, I personally visited distinct neighborhoods in London and the Netherlands where non-Muslims are driven out and the immigrants are so isolated from mainstream society that their communities seem to be parts of a foreign country.

Islamists have engaged in similar campaigns here in the US, successfully creating a group of homegrown terrorists and political organizations that seek to affect US policy, but their efforts remained marginal. The Judeo-Christian principles that govern American society and its legal system, coupled with a strong law enforcement apparatus, have been the bulwark against any ideological movement fundamentally changing American society.

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However, the assault on “White America” that unites Islamists and the radical Left is particularly dangerous, not only because it has followers capable of terrorizing the population, they also have tacit support from the Biden administration, local and state lawmakers, and a large portion of mainstream society. Together these two movements have the power to murder opponents and sabotage traditional legal and political structures.

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