The Lesson from Easter for the World Today by Jentezen Franklin for CBN News
Flowers are springing up, birds are singing, and all around us, we sense that we’re finally crawling out of the gloom of the deadly global pandemic. We have lost loved ones, income, businesses, and education. What seems certain is that we will never truly recover.
But is it actually certain? Or is that just today’s headline, and there’s more to the story?
The power of Easter is the power of resurrection. Resurrection means the triumph of life over death. Because of the miracle of Easter, we have a promise, and the power, of resurrection life.
No headline was gloomier 2000 years ago than news of Jesus’ death. Crying in agony, Jesus’ followers were inconsolable. With their own eyes they saw their leader splayed naked on a cross, beaten and bloody, gasping for air as his body died.
On a Friday, Jesus’ body was laid in a tomb and a stone rolled across the mouth of it. News spread. “Certain, undeniable death.” Hell celebrated. Jesus’ followers mourned.
On Friday, bad news blanketed the city. No one could see that Sunday was coming.
As a nation, we’ve lived through the horror of Friday. We’ve lived through the long, gloom of Saturday. But Sunday is coming. On Easter, we celebrate the power of that miraculous resurrection, and what it means for the world today.
The story of Easter from the Book of Luke chapter 24 tells us that three days after Jesus’ death, a mighty angel rolled the stone away from the tomb and Christ stepped out, roaring with resurrection power.
Today, the message is clear. Jesus is alive. He humiliated Hell, he overpowered the grave, and he caused evil to bow its knee. He took your transgressions and pronounced you forgiven.