Prophetic Word: The Lord Says, ‘I Am About to Sweep the Nation With a Fresh Holy Spirit Movement’

Prophetic Word: The Lord Says, ‘I Am About to Sweep the Nation With a Fresh Holy Spirit Movement’ by JOE JOE DAWSON for Charisma News

Like many other believers, generals and intercessors have been doing, I have been in a season of focused intercession over America for several months. As I have been praying, my spirit has been filled with hope and expectation for what God is doing and will still do in America in the coming days.

Just a few weeks ago, I was heading into the place of prayer early one morning, and the Lord spoke this to me: “I am about to sweep this nation with a fresh movement of My Holy Spirit.” I knew that this was the Lord responding to not only my prayers but also the prayers of many in the body of Christ in this hour. God is about to sweep this nation with His Spirit!

As the Lord continued to speak to me in the place of prayer, I was reminded of some of the other prophetic words God has given to me in the past 18 months. The Lord has spoken to me over and over that He is doing more behind the scenes in America than anyone can imagine. I know how the natural situations and circumstances look in this nation today. However, I know that God is moving behind the scenes and we are about to experience one of the most powerful moves of God the world has ever known!

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The Lord then reminded me of a word He gave to me roughly six months ago about a great unveiling coming to America. This unveiling will reveal His plans and purposes for America as well as expose the evil and corruption where God wants to bring to justice. Lord, send the great unveiling to reveal Yourself and to bring justice to this land!

As I continued to pray, the Lord told me to go and look at our church sign in the lobby of our ministry center. As I stood looking at the sign, the Lord reminded me that he named our ministry ROAR because it stands for revival, outpouring, awakening and reformation. I could sense the presence of God as the Lord declared, “Now is the time for revival, outpouring, awakening and reformation.”

Many have been in intercession for America for decades. I believe God has been answering our prayers. However, I believe we are about to see a great culmination of these prayers manifested as a powerful sweeping of the Holy Spirit rushing across our land! This sweeping of the Holy Spirit will come upon individuals to bring them into personal revival. Those who have been complacent or weary will be revived by this fresh moving of the Spirit of God. The Holy Spirit will also sweep over into cities and regions as people carrying His presence and power bring it into the highways and byways outside of the four walls of the church. This sweeping of the Holy Spirit will also move across America, transforming it and realigning America with its prophetic destiny and the purpose God intended for this nation.

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