Why God May Be Calling You to ‘Do It Afraid’

Why God May Be Calling You to ‘Do It Afraid’ by MARTI PIEPER for Charisma News

God called her to the front lines. And she didn’t want to go.

“I’m perfectly fine being behind the scenes,” Gypsy Dallas Smith, whom God has called to the mountain of media, tells Dr. Steve Greene on a recent episode of the Greenelines podcast on the Charisma Podcast Network. “I don’t worry about what people think about me or what they’re going to say. … I want to be obedient with what God is asking me to do,” she says of the Voices of Hope ministry she and her husband founded. “And I want to be faithful. But I don’t want to feel like I’m ever trying to strive to be somebody that I’m not.”

“Fear has always been something that’s gripped me for most of my life, and so that’s been a hard one for me—just trust learning to trust the Father and being obedient,” she says. “And so I constantly have to keep myself in check and make sure that I’m not operating out of a spirit of fear. … [Fear is] a human, natural human emotion; fear can save your life. But there’s a difference between the human emotion of fear and the spirit of fear that controls your thoughts and your actions.”

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And Smith has advice for others who struggle with fear, either of being in the public eye, as she did, or something else: “Absolutely do it afraid.”

“From my experience, people say, ‘Well, I don’t have peace about it; I don’t have peace about it,'” she says. “Here’s the thing: From my own experience, anytime God has ever asked me to do anything, it scared me a little. In fact, it scared me a lot. Because it caused me to get outside of my comfort zone and to depend on the Father and not on my own strength. So I would encourage those listening to just do whatever it is that God’s asking you to do, and do it afraid. Stop being the weapon formed against yourself.”

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