Mike Lindell Announces New Social Media Platform: ‘Frank’

Mike Lindell Announces New Social Media Platform: ‘Frank’ by AMIR GEORGE for Charisma News

After his social media accounts were shut down for “violating policies,” conservative MyPillow founder and CEO Mike Lindell has released exclusive information about his new platform: “Frank.”

“I am getting ready to launch Frank, and it is going to be a place where we can talk freely, put out our influence and give people hope,” Lindell says. One aspect of the platform will be dedicated to investigation regarding the 2020 election. “We have hired the best investigators and resources and are working hard to backtrack the various aspects of the election,” Lindell says.

In a time of nationwide discouragement, Lindell is confident that America is returning to its biblical roots, and he believes once past certain challenges going to the Supreme Court, “we will demonstrate massive international involvement in the recent election.” This fact, Lindell says, regardless of party affiliation, should be at the forefront of Americans’ minds.

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Lindell has also taken to mobilizing the “Fourth Great Awakening.” He shares the vision of the great prayer warrior, Dick Simmons, who believed the Fourth Great Awakening was already beginning during his lifetime.

Lindell says, “I am so blessed—we are all so blessed to be in the greatest time in history. We are in the middle of the greatest revival in history, and God is in control.”

Bestselling author of God, Trump and 2020, Stephen Strang agrees, believing “there will be revival around the world.”

Lindell has a message to those bogged down by discouragement: “When we get through this, we will see the greatest revival in history that will restore our beloved America, and this is why we have hope.” He says, “buckle up, chin up and get ready. And do all you can from where you are, beginning with prayer efforts where you live. Let’s all start believing God for what He is doing and be proactive in standing for the Lord Jesus Christ!”

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