‘Do Good’ Shines a Spotlight on Everyday Americans

‘Do Good’ Shines a Spotlight on Everyday Americans from Christian News Journal

GNN Note – It’s time for all of us to document those in our lives “doing good” and sharing with others in our lives. /END

Do Good” is a 10-episode docu-series first launched in March on YouTube, reporting the efforts made by everyday Americans serving those overwhelmed by Category 4 Hurricane Laura in Southwest Louisiana and Hurricane Delta during the peak of the coronavirus in 2020.

Veteran, director, producer, and former chaplain Justin Roberts said it’s time to shine a light on those sacrificing for others. Many of whom lost loved ones, property, and nearly their lives during the hurricanes of 2020.

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“I think that was the biggest thing that took us back is we can’t get lost in the disaster and the shock and awe of it,” Roberts, also known as “Chappy,” told CNJ. “But there are certain things that take you back. And people who lost their homes were still showing up every single day to donate their time to other people.”

Roberts, an Afghanistan Army veteran, experienced destruction first-hand overseas. He filmed his first documentary was called “No Greater Love” in a war zone. That film explored a combat deployment through the eyes of an Army chaplain, as he and his men fight their way through a hellish tour in one of the most dangerous places in Afghanistan and then as they struggle to reintegrate home. “And I did that while in combat. So what I noticed when I was overseas is people always seemed to rise up when there are incredibly traumatic challenges. And so I knew that there would be people stepping up, and I wanted to find out who those people are going to be. The best way to make a difference is by telling a story because I have no construction skills and no carpentry skills.”

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