A Child of the Apocalypse

A Child of the Apocalypse by J.G. Martinez for The Organic Prepper

I have watched my child’s evolution. I have seen him grow and learn. Some things I know he inherited, other ones indeed he has learned from watching. And some other ones, I’ve taken the time to teach him correctly. His very unique personality traits have already begun to develop, and I can see who he is as a human being. He’s going to be a good, wise man, no matter what kind of world we have in the future.

He was bullied at school and learned to defend himself and his friends. He told me he even had to use his fists once. I was not in the country when it happened. He was called to the principal’s office, and as the other kid was much bigger and known for being a bully, the kiddo was not scolded.

He developed a strong bond with a few children who were similar to him. He had been taught to respect children without his capabilities or who weren’t like his little crew of friends. Interestingly, all of these kids were small for their age but much smarter than their older peers. He grew up surrounded by adults, so he always has been mature for his age.

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Why I call this an apocalypse and how it has affected our life

Living together, just him and I, has been an absolute pleasure. We were apart for eight months while I was in Ecuador. It was challenging for Venezuelans to find a job there. A few weeks after my arrival, things got violent in Ecuador. I then chose to move to Peru.

And then the virus hit. Violence has begun to erupt here, and one thing is sure, we can not stay here. The locals and the migrants have begun to turn against one another. Once the sort of violence we are seeing here now begins, it escalates rapidly. It starts among the criminals first and then sweeps into the regular population.

Why do I call this an “apocalypse”? Some say it is only a collection of “isolated” events in a hostile environment. A virus that could potentially kill you if not treated right. In a city with a population of 11 million. In a place where someone from a car could shoot a helpless victim and be hours away with no one ever seeing a thing. If the victim is a “foreigner,” as they call us, the crime becomes even less important.

If these were “regular conditions” we were living in, I would not be concerned. The virus and ensuing pandemic seem to have destroyed common moral standards. All this stress can trigger violence in some already compromised psyches and push them into prey or be preyed upon mode. I’m not exactly easy prey, but I understand how dangerous an unforeseen threat from people pushed to these limits can be.

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