JESUS IS ON YOUR SIDE by Andrew Menkis for Core Christianity

Have you ever thought about what Jesus is doing right now? He ascended to the right hand of God… and then what? What has Jesus been up to since then?

The Bible actually tells us that Jesus is doing a lot. He is upholding the universe, ruling over all things, building the church, interceding for believers, and preparing a place for us after we die (Heb. 1:3Acts 14:17Eph. 1:15-23Heb. 7:24-25John 14:1-3).

In addition, one of the most encouraging things that Jesus is doing is advocating for us. The Apostle John wrote, “My little children, I am writing these things to you so that you may not sin. But if anyone does sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous” (1 John 2:1). This passage teaches us that if you’re a Christian, when you sin Jesus is on your side, reaching out to God the Father for you. Whether you’re feeling crushed by guilt or overwhelmed with shame, Jesus knows what you’re experiencing, and he advocates for you.

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What is an Advocate?

The word translated as “advocate” in 1 John 2:1 is the name Jesus uses for the Holy Spirit (John 14:162615:2616:7). The word has a broad range of meanings which include “comforter,” “counselor,” “helper,” and “assistant.” It’s clear from these words that an advocate is someone you want. An advocate has your interests in mind. They care about you and are willing to do what is necessary to help you. This is what Jesus is for you. When you sin, as John says, Jesus advocates on your behalf. This is a wonderful truth.

Theologian Dane Ortlund explains that Christ’s advocacy is “God’s way of encouraging us not to throw in the towel. Yes, we fail Christ as his disciples. But his advocacy on our behalf rises higher than our sins. His advocacy speaks louder than our failures. All is taken care of.”[1]

We have a wonderful savior! Jesus’ advocacy brings encouragement in our darkest and most shameful moments. No matter how loudly our internal voices tell us that we’re unforgivable and beyond redemption, Jesus is louder. No matter how strongly Satan accuses us, Jesus is stronger. No matter how deeply our shame pulls us down into despair, Jesus is ready to lift us up, and he calls on the Father to rescue us. Jesus is on our side. Nothing can separate us from the love of our heavenly advocate (Rom. 8:31-39).

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